Launch letter: Matt Ward, CEO

Aquarius Exchange
2 min readApr 15, 2019

Welcome to Aquarius, The Fair Exchange

We live in interesting times. Longstanding borders and constraints are being driven away by technological innovation and the rapid implementation of global connectivity. We are moving away from being purely national citizens, to becoming increasingly global in nature. Continuously more aware and interlinked, the world feels like it is becoming a smaller place. Be it directly through cross border trade and finance or indirectly through production of goods and services that feed a global audience, Foreign Exchange markets touch the everyday lives of billions of people. Countries continue to maintain their own currencies and money supply as an important policy tool, while simultaneously, the world is undergoing huge economic changes, and coming to terms with the rapid introduction of digital assets.

At Aquarius, we think the way currencies, be that fiat or crypto are priced and exchanged is primed for change. The time has come for a level playing field: removing the unnecessary layers that create inefficiency, and replacing them with a system that offers currency and digital asset exchange at a fair market value.

At Aquarius, we’re building an Exchange that represents an unprecedented, truly efficient, transparent and fair market for everyone. Only when all currency values are connected in Aquarius’ impartial mathematical way, and the process of fair market price discovery is market-driven and un-manipulated, can a genuinely fair price be achieved.

We are building our Exchange by applying pioneering technology, backed by the right team, to deliver an Exchange that responds to our changing world.

At its heart, Aquarius is an algorithm and a methodology. It looks at every possible path to an outcome that is optimal for both buyer and seller. Our current implementation can process in excess of one hundred million orders per second. The relational impact of any new bid or offer will be felt by every other currency that also has a matching node in the pair being quoted.

Currency exchange customers demand and deserve a transparent, regulated, and secure environment in which to conduct their currency transactions. This is also central to the beliefs of Aquarius.

Aquarius takes the evolutionary leap toward currency singularity, the absolute best price at any given moment of time for any currency pair. Fair pricing delivered in a fair way — the benefits of this being passed directly to our end users. Our success will be the success of our customers. We like that way of doing business.

I look forward to having you join us on this exciting journey of change and improvement; a journey to a level playing field for all.

